Tuesday, February 23, 2010


...You hear that?


Yes, silence.

Silence is something we all take for granted, I think. Silence allows us to forget the things that are going on around us. It allows us to sit and think about whatever we wish. It allows us to create worlds in our minds that no one else can see.

As I sit here in my silent dorm room in the early hours of the morning, I realize that this is all my life is. Silence.

My life is static, quiet, and uninteresting. And like silence, I think I'm taken for granted at times.

I spend over half my day sitting and thinking. Not just thinking, but creating and imagining situations that I can only dream about. I think way too much about the future and what will happen to me. I imagine a life where I grow up and am happy. I take comfort in these thoughts, but then realize that they are only thoughts. Thoughts created from nothing. From silence.

When will my silence be broken? Where is that loud noise I'm waiting for to break the silence?

Where are you?

I need you.

1 comment:

  1. I like you :) And douche-y guys suck. It gets easier, and you're a wonderful, very interesting woman :)
